Designed for both high-conflict and low-conflict situations.
By choosing the collaborative method, you and your spouse can begin to lay the groundwork for a better future, one where you and your family can move forward to live whole and healthy lives.
• You remain empowered. Though each spouse has an attorney, each party has a voice and takes an active role in crafting the agreement.
• You are protected and supported. While the spouses work cooperatively, you maintain the continued support of your attorney’s advocacy and negotiating skills.
• You invest your time and resources wisely. The collaborative method may be more cost-effective and involve a shorter time frame than the traditional divorce process.
Adrian understands that each situation is delicate and unique, and specialists may need to be involved in the collaborative process to provide additional support for the family. With the interdisciplinary/full team approach, this additional support is seamlessly incorporated into the collaborative divorce process to meet your specific situation.
Making the choice to go the collaborative divorce route is the first step toward a healthy, peaceful solution for your family. Collaboration provides a safe, protective environment for dealing with separations, marital property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support issues.
In collaborative divorce, each spouse has an attorney to help ensure parties are negotiating effectively and addressing the needs and interests of both individuals. As sanctioned by North Carolina state law, divorcing spouses and their attorneys agree that they will not threaten litigation and that the attorneys will not represent the spouses in court.
This understanding removes the process from the adversarial court system and allows both individuals to benefit from the experience of a trained collaborative family law attorney. The result is a healthy, constructive solution that has many benefits.
Collaborative Divorce: Interdisciplinary/Full Team
Adrian understands that each situation is delicate and unique, and specialists may need to be involved in the collaborative process to provide additional support for the family. With the interdisciplinary/full team approach, this additional support is seamlessly incorporated into the collaborative divorce process to meet your specific situation.
From child specialists and financial specialists to co-parenting advisors and coaches, the full team approach empowers divorcing couples to move forward with a wealth of support.